Agape Star Christian School

The Nursery and Primary campus has a capacity for 300 students. 

As of Term 2, 2024, there are 202 registered students.

Over the next few years, we aim to add secondary school classes and education to our Campus.

Agape Star Christian School

The Nursery and Primary campus has a capacity for 300 students. As of Term 2, 2024, there are 202 registered students.

Over the next few years, we aim to add secondary school classes and education to our Campus.

Our Journey

The school land was purchased in 2021. In 2022, two building phases were completed. Agape Star Christian School (Nursery & Primary Campus) opened on 6 February 2023.

We would love for you to partner with us to continue building the school – two secondary school classrooms and boarding facilities (approximately $30,000AU) – and to provide support to cover its operational costs (approximately $25,000AU per annum).

Every small amount blesses the children we serve and support through the Barnabas Legacy Children’s Dream Foundation.

Humble Beginnings

It was amazing to raise $5,000AU in 2021 to purchase the school’s land.

A further $50,000AU was raised in 2022 to build the Nursery (Kindergarten is Nursery in Uganda) and Primary School classrooms and administration office, which opened for Term 1, February 2023.

Thank you to our generous donors who, through the gracious hand of God, enabled the establishment of the school.

Development Phases
  • PHASE 1A: 7 classrooms, one administration office, toilet block and development of a Banana Plantation (June – August 2022)
  • PHASE 1B: Plastering, classroom furniture, blackboards and flooring (November – December 2022)
  • School Opening: February 2023
  • Official Opening Ceremony and Dedication: June 2023
  • PHASE 2: Student Dorms, Upper Primary and Secondary Buildings (ongoing 2024 and 2025)

Our school scripture is Psalm 143:8:

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you, I entrust my life”.

Latest Reports

We invite you to view our Reports below outlining our progress to date and our plans forward. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team.

Our Anthem

Our School Anthem includes prayers that align with our core beliefs, values and Foundation aims to honor our God. 


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CEO Updates

Stay up to date with whats happening operationally with our CEO updates.

Isaiah 40:26

Our Leadership Team

Pastor Wamala Steven

CEO BLCDF and ASCS | DWIBC Katunda Chapter Coordinator

Maree Cutler-Naroba 

BOARD CHAIRPERSON | Director DWIBC Katunda Chapter | Coordinator Overseas Donor Projects (WA, Australia)

Ssegane Robert


Josephine (Josie) Nanziqu

ASCS Administration & Scholarship Students Officer
DWIB Katunda Chapter Assistant 
BLCDF CEO Executive Assistant 

Musasizi Emmanuel

ASCS Head Teacher

Lwanga Eli

Coordinator ICT | Coordinator YouTube Channel, Photos and Videos

Nic Henry Jones

Website and Digital Marketing Manager | ASCS Board Member (SA, Australia)

Sue Beadle

ASCS Board Member (NZ) | Coordinator NZ Fundraising and Care Package Projects (New Zealand)

Proverbs 3:5-6

Initial Partners

Beadle & Mellar Family

Mike and Sue Beadle (nee Mellar) and Sue’s siblings generously donated the first substantial donation to the school in 2022, enabling the first four classrooms to be built. The School Block is called the BEADLE- MELLAR BLOCK. The donation was made in memory of the Mellar’s parents (Brian and Jill Mellar), missionaries to Uganda orphans in the 1990s. A commemorative plaque has been placed on one of the classroom walls.

Cutler-Naroba Family

Tevita Naroba and Maree Cutler Naroba (Mr and Mrs Naroba), Co-Founders of ASCS, along with some members of their Fijian family, generously donated to the school in 2022 to enable the administration office and three other classrooms to be built. The School Block is called the CUTLER-NAROBA BLOCK.

Support ASCS by donating. Every little bit counts!

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Uganda Office

PO Box 901222, Jinja, 256 Kampala, Uganda

+256 777 623896

Australia Office

PO Box 2193, South Hedland, WA, 6722

+61 4 8807 7034

Term Dates

There are only three educational terms per year in Uganda.

TERM 1: Feb 5th - May 3rd 2024

TERM 2: May 27th - Aug 23rd 2024

TERM 3: Sept 16th - Dec 6th 2024