Nurturing Bright Futures with Faith and Knowledge

At Agape Star Christian School, we believe every child is a beacon of potential, guided by the light of the Lord. Join us in our mission to cultivate a generation of compassionate, Godly, educated leaders and sustainable families.

Nurturing Bright Futures with Faith and Knowledge

At Agape Star Christian School, we believe every child is a beacon of potential, guided by the light of the Lord. Join us in our mission to cultivate a generation of compassionate, Godly, educated leaders and sustainable families.



“Every Child is a Star in the eyes of the Lord”

“Look up to the skies. Who created all these stars?
He leads out the army of heaven one by one and calls all the stars by name
Because he is strong and powerful, not one of them is missing”.
Isaiah 46:26 

Barnabas Legacy Children’s Dream Foundation (BLCDF) is a Christian Child Care Ministry that cares for vulnerable, orphaned and needy children living in Katunda Village and the surrounding rural villages in Buikwe District, Jinja, Uganda.

BLCDF was founded in 2013 by Pastor Steven Wamala and a team from Katunda Pentecostal AOG, Buikwe District. The Church is in Katunda Village.

In February 2023, the Agape Star Christian School (ASCS) was opened under the umbrella of BLCDF, a private Christian school in Namatovu village, Buikwe District.

The school was co-founded by BLCDF and Mr and Mrs Naroba (Australia) to provide education for Ugandan children living in the poor rural villages of the Buikwe District. It includes some of the children directly under the Foundation’s care.

The BLCD Foundation is a legally registered Ugandan not-for-profit organisation.

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you. 
Show me the way I should go, for to you, I entrust my life”.

Psalm 143:8

Our Vision

Our Vision

EVERY CHILD has the right to be respected, the right to DREAM, the right to be loved and cared for, the right to have their gifts recognised and valued, the right to achieve their GOD-GIVEN POTENTIAL.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Making disciples of Jesus Christ through authentic relationships, excellent education and strengthened communities.

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again”.

2 Corinthians 5: 14-15

Our Logo

Our Logo

Our Logo represents the unfailing love of God (the circle) encircling the children (children represented by the star).

“Train a child in the way they should go; even when they are old, they will not depart from it”.

Proverbs 22:6

What makes us Different?

What makes us Different?

Children & their Families/Guardians

We strive to keep children with their families/guardians and communities. Education is more effective when families/guardians are near and involved.

Academic Needs & Spiritual Development

We focus on the child’s academic life and spiritual development, giving them as much of a regular and well-rounded Christian education as possible, including year-appropriate English, Maths, PE, Sustainability Studies and more.

Personalised Care

Children are given personalised care. They receive two small meals daily and are encouraged to take ownership of their hygiene and wellbeing.


We facilitate 30+ yearly student scholarships, awarded by several donor families from Australia and New Zealand. The scholarships cover Tuition, Uniforms and the daily meals.

Vulnerable Children

We foster a safe, loving and educational atmosphere for children under the care of the BLCDF, which includes some orphaned and some AIDS-affected children.

View our Video Updates on YouTube

View our Video Updates on Youtube

“Children are not more distraction from important work. They are the most important work”.

(C S Lewis)


From our CEO

From our CEO

Welcome to Agape Star Christian Nursery and Primary School (ASCS), a private mixed pre-primary and primary day (and yet to become a boarding) school found within the community of Namatovu village in Buikwe District, Uganda.

At ASCS, we are committed to providing an exceptional educational experience, setting us apart as a school of excellence. Our vision is significant, and it continues to grow. God has not only provided for us in every way, but He has also gone above and beyond, allowing us to continue with our build phases to upgrade our facilities and provide a strong Christian education that will enable us to invest in our children spiritually, physically and academically.

We strive to offer affordable, high-quality, holistic education in a nurturing, child-friendly environment. This vision is deeply rooted in our mission, guided by our motto: “For God’s love compels us.” We uphold core values such as being God-fearing, promoting mutual respect, pursuing excellence in all endeavours, treating all stakeholders fairly, fostering a love for children, emphasising spiritual disciplines (such as prayer and reading the bible) and maintaining cleanliness and punctuality.

Over the last 18 months since the school opened, we have experienced remarkable growth and development regarding our infrastructure and student welfare. Thanks to the unwavering support of our esteemed partners and donors, we are proud of you all!

To ensure effective governance and strategic planning, we have a dynamic School Management Committee responsible for making policy decisions and setting ambitious goals for our school’s continuous development. Our highly qualified and experienced teaching staff and our dedicated non-teaching and support staff contribute to our students’ overall success and growth.

The safety and security of our students are of paramount importance to us. Our school boasts a secure, spacious, and well-maintained environment encircled by protective wire mesh enclosures. Within our well-equipped classrooms, we provide a safe and conducive atmosphere for learning, complete with comfortable furniture and proper ventilation. We have a dedicated Askari (Guard) to ensure the continuous safety and security of our pupils and school property.

At ASCS, we prioritise the overall welfare of our students. To support their healthy growth, we provide nutritious and balanced meals to all students. We also offer various extracurricular activities to nurture our students’ diverse talents and interests, including music, dance and outdoor games. Our small school bus ensures punctual and safe transportation for nursery day scholars.

Academically, our school follows the Uganda Primary School Curriculum, complemented by our exclusively designed Nursery Curriculum, which follows the NCDC (National Curriculum Development Centre) Learning Framework.

I encourage you to be prayerful about partnering with us, whether through a donation or prayer or coming for a field visit/missions trip.


Wamala Steven 
BLCDF Founder and CEO 
CEO and Co-Principal ASCS 

Support ASCS by donating. Every little bit counts!

Newsletter Sign up

Uganda Office

PO Box 901222, Jinja, 256 Kampala, Uganda

+256 777 623896

Australia Office

PO Box 2193, South Hedland, WA, 6722

+61 4 8807 7034

Term Dates

There are only three educational terms per year in Uganda.

TERM 1: Feb 5th - May 3rd 2024

TERM 2: May 27th - Aug 23rd 2024

TERM 3: Sept 16th - Dec 6th 2024